
Город-призрак в центре Киева. Фоторепортаж

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Район Воздвиженка в столице Украины, построенный для миллионеров в стиле 19-го века, превратился в город-призрак, где никто не хочет жить.

Millionaires' ghost town: The brightly coloured luxury development in Vozdvizhenka, in Kiev, Ukraine, which has been left all but empty after the 2008 crash choked demand for luxury housing in the city

За ярко окрашенными фасадами никого нет, хотя до кризиса 2008 года планировалось, что здесь, в 15 минутах от центра Киева, будут охотно селиться состоятельные люди.

Good as new: With little signs of wear and tear, these kitsch, brightly coloured façades look like they could be straight of a period film set

Похожий сейчас на съемочную площадку фильма из жизни позапрошлого века, этот район в старину был местом обитания сыроваров, гончаров и кожевников.

Vozdvyzhenka Vozdvyzhenka consists of 42 acres of mock-19th-Century buildings that sit all but empty in the heart of the city

На улицах города-призрака можно встретить любопытных прохожих, свадебные кортежи. Те и другие фотографируют окружающее и себя на его фоне, но это не жители микрорайона.

Historic: Prior to the development, old Vozdvyzhenka was for centuries a centre for local cottage industries, inhabited by potters and skinners after whom many of its new streets are now named

"Мы рухнули в 2008-м, не буду скрывать", - сказал представитель застройщика Воздвиженки, заместитель начальника треста "Киевгорстрой-1" Тарас Зябкин оказавшимся здесь корреспондентам The Guardian, но возразил против определения "мертвый город", поясняя, что большинство владельцев проданных здесь квартир живут за границей, и к концу 2014 года все здесь будет распродано.


But the district's prime location, less than a mile from the centre of the capital, made it a prime target for developers and a plan was hatched to transform it into the playground of the rich

Один из известных архитекторов Киева Георгий Духовичный обвиняет разработчиков в разрушении исторической части города и предсказывает, этот район никогда не будет полностью заселен.

Plenty of space: Prior to the development, old Vozdvyzhenka was for centuries a centre for local cottage industries, inhabited by potters and skinners after whom many of its new streets are now named

Архитектор рассказал о жалобах местных жильцов на трещины в стенах, протечки в подвалах и авариях отопления. Люди стали уезжать с Воздвиженки.

Just missing the tumble weed: Now Vozdvyzhenka lies all but empty, just a fifth of its homes sold and its streets practically deserted save for curious city walkers, wedding photo sessions and the odd music video shoot

Люди, которые могут сделать деньги, чтоб купить здесь квартиру, наверное, могут купить ее где-нибудь в другом месте.

Waiting for the upturn: An estate agent's phone number is prominently displayed in the hope that some passer-by might be encouraged to rent or buy in the area

В ожидании спроса: номер телефона агента по продаже недвижимости находится на видном месте в надежде, что кто-то из прохожих захочет арендовать или купить здесь что-то.

Low demand: Just 50 of Vozdvyzhenka's 250 properties have residents, but Taras Ziabkin, deputy head of developers Kievgorstroy-1, insists builders are readying another 50 for new tenants

Роскошные квартиры и гаражи. Но нет ни души, ни одного автомобиля.

Good investment? Mr Ziabkin accounts for the site's lack of life with the claim that most owners live abroad and bought their properties as 'investments'

Colourful: Ironically, given the site cleared to make space for it, the Vozdvyzhenka development apes the Baroque and modernist architectural styles of 19th Century Kiev

'Greed': Georgy Duchovychniy, one of Kiev's most prominent architects, blames the developers for ruining the historic district and predicts that it will never be fully inhabited

Shaky: Mr Duchovychniy said that in their pursuit of profit developers threw caution to the wind, adding floors to their plans while disregarding the need to strenghten foundations

Not so comfortable... The result has been a slew of complaints about cracks in the walls, leaky basements and heating breakdowns ever since people started moving in in 2010

Pretty: In their proposal for the regeneration, Kievgorstroy-1 emphasised the district's history and the luxury features they were to include

On the up? Mr Ziabkin claimed that initial problems have since been resolved and that a number of prominent Ukrainians now have homes in the development

However, their presence is yet to be felt in Vozdvyzhenka, where builders and passers-by are more likely to be spotted than the cream of Kiev's high society

Architectural folly: Garages face the luxury flats of Vozdvyzhenka, but there is not a car - nor a soul - in sight

Dead end: Demand for homes in the district dropped dramatically after the banking crisis, but the developers reject local descriptions of the area as a 'ghost town'

Grand: A mansion house is seen with a banner - presumably advertising it for sale - strung across its imposing façade

Picturesque: The wisdom of investing in Vozdvyzhenka has been challenged by one of Kiev's most prominent architects, who blames the developers for ruining the historic district and predicts that it will never be fully inhabited