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Спортсмены в повседневности. Фоторепортаж

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'Valentines Day': NFL Safety Erik Coleman tackles romance in the bedroom. Coleman was photographer by Jordan Matter for the series 'Athletes Among Us'
"День Святого Валентина": Эрик Коулмен, защитник в американском футболе.

В новой серии работ «Спортсмены среди нас» фотографа Джордана Мэттера собраны сюжеты их повседневной жизни с участием известных американских спортсменов. 

Одной из целей материала стало отображение спортивного духа профессионалов в бытовых ситуациях, передача стремления к совершенству, сообщает Daily Mail.

'Sunday Shopping': Coleman is a free agent safety in the NFL and last played for the Detroit Lions

"Воскресный шопинг": Коулмен последий, кто играл за Детройт Лайонс.


'Business Travel': Body-builder Vincent Luzzolino definitely doesn't need any help carrying his bags from the train station to the taxi queue

"Деловое путешествие": бодибилдеру Винсенту Лаззолино определенно не нужна помощь в доставке своих чемоданов.

'Delivery Boy': Professional longboarder Adam Crigler takes delivering pizzas seriously as he catches a ride from a passing motorcycle in New York City

Профессиональный лонгбордер Адам Криглер.


'Working Mom': Dina Bair's main job is mom, which means she spends a lot of time at the grocery store. But she juggles being a triathlete and a medical reporter at WGN in Chicago

Репортер из Чикаго Дина Баир.


'Light Reading': Rhythmic gymnast Jessica Sun is still a teenager, which means she has to make time to focus on her studies

Художественная гимнастка Джессика.


'Battle of the Superheroes': Retired Liberian soccer player Musa Shannon takes on a bevy of action heroes in Times Square

Футболист Муса Шеннон.


'Pool Party': The Olympic gold-winning U.S. women's crew team has a little fun in the sun

Олимпийские чемпионки заслуживают отдых!


'River View': Acro yoga specialists Jacob Jonas and Jill Wilson take in the view. The two were featured in one of Matter's previous works, Dancers Among Us

Специалисты по акройоге.

'Big Winner': It's Cassie Wolff's job to cheer on the Philadelphia 76ers basketball team - but she has wins of her own worth celebrating too

Кэсси - чирлидер баскетбольной команды в Филадельфии.


Broken Buzzer: Former soccer player Ethan Zohn waits outside for a hot date. Zohn used to play soccer for the Hawaii Tsunamis and Cape Cod Crusaders, but is perhaps best known for competing on Survivor and The Amazing Race.

Этан Зох - бывший футболист.


'Baggage Check': High school hockey goal keep Meaghan Hearn isn't letting anything get past her at her mall job

Меган Хирн - хоккеистка.


'Close Shave': Ken Stouffer runs his own martial arts school in Chicago

Кен Стоуффер открыл свою школу боевых искусств.


'Waiting to cross': Gymnast Jackie Carlson pauses at a busy street corner in New York - waiting for the signal to cross

Гимнастка Джеки Карлсон на углу оживленной улицы Нью-Йорка.